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Over the pandemic, Vitamin C has gotten a lot of attention.It gives your body immunity against diseases as simple as the flu, cough, and cold. It also heals your wounds faster, gives you plump glowing skin, and strengthens your bones and teeth.
It might even prevent cancer.

In today's blog , we gone share you about the foods highest in Vitamin C. Are oranges the best source?
Do vegetables have Vitamin C in them? All this and more…

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin.
Your body doesn’t have any reserves of Vitamin C, unlike fats and carbs.
This makes it essential to consume Vitamin C on a daily basis.
The recommended daily dose of vitamin C is 90 mg per day for men, and 75 for women. Smokers have to consume an extra 35 mg per day.
Vitamin C deficiency can lead to soft bones, bleeding gums, delayed wound healing, and fatigue.
Do you suffer from any of these symptoms? How much is your daily Vitamin C intake?
Share your preferences with the best communit in the comments below.

Ripe guavas are either yellow or pink.
They’re a great snack by themselves and
taste delicious when mixed with salads.
But did you know that guavas probably have more vitamin C than oranges?
They have a total of 288 mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams. They’re loaded with fiber and proteins. A study showed people consuming 7 pieces of guava for 6 weeks were successful in lowering
cholesterol and blood pressure in their bodies.
Guava juices, jams, and jellies often have
artificial flavors added with zero nutrient

Lemons add freshness to any dish.
About 100 grams of lemon gives you 129 mg of vitamin C. Lemon juice is known to reduce blood pressure and boost your dental health.They also give you healthy nails.
Lemon drinks help weight loss and prevent kidney stones.They also improve the quality of your skin by building up collagen.They help absorb dietary iron.
So the next time life gives you lemons, makelemonade.
Just make it sugar-free!

3.Bell peppers
Red, green, and yellow peppers enhance the taste of any food, be it pizza or tacos. They contain 128 mg of Vitamin C. Bell peppers are low in calories and rich in fiber. Peppers have emerged as a superfood because it helps weight loss.
Filled with antioxidants, bell peppers are
great for eye health and vision. Red peppers especially can prevent cataracts
and prevent blindness.Vitamin B6 and anticancer compounds are also
there. The healthiest way to enjoy bell peppers is by lightly sauteing or  steaming them on a vegetable platter.

4. Kiwi fruit
This cheap snacking option is one of the best methods to consume Vitamin C. 100 grams of kiwi contains 93 mg.
That means having two small kiwis a day will give you 100% of your recommended vitamin C for the day.
It’s a great anti-aging fruit. It’s very effective against constipation,
and reduces bad cholesterol in the blood.Expecting mothers are advised to have kiwis for better fetal development.
Also, it makes a great smoothie. 
Do you want  healthy rich smoothie recipes comment below

Broccoli belongs to the family of cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, etc.It’s a cruciferous vegetable. It checks all the boxes of nutrients necessary
for the human body.About 100 grams of broccoli has 89 mg of Vitamin
C. It’s also high in potassium. Vitamin A and K are also found in broccoli. Steaming, microwaving, and stir-frying are popular methods of consuming broccoli. Although eating raw broccoli is perfectly healthy.It’s good for your heart and brain.It’s one of the least harmful foods and popular among different age groups.Consume a bowl full of broccoli daily to keep your joints free from inflammation and pain.

About 100 grams of papayas contain 61 mg of Vitamin C. It’s a sweet fruit.loaded with essential vitamins and minerals
like zinc, magnesium, vitamin A and fiber. Despite being sweet, it protects you from diabetes.You'll have great vision if you just consume papaya on the regular.Even during old age!Papaya also wards off arthritis and bone issues.
Antioxidants that are present in papaya keep the toxins away, and boost your overall immunity. It gives quick relief from constipation and
digestive disorders.

7.Snow peas
Just 100 grams of snow peas contain 60 mg of Vitamin C. They contain less fat and calories.Snow peas are rich in nutrients and fiber.Small quantities of snow peas can fill you up very quickly.
Diabetic people can enjoy these peas without having to worry about their sugar levels.They reduce inflammation in the gut and stomach.Snow peas also contain potassium, manganese,
and iron which are important to maintain the density of your bones.This will keep you away from osteoporosis.

Strawberries are enjoyed by both kids and adults. Chocolate-dipped strawberries, strawberry shortcake and milkshakes all have healthy ingredients in them. But in the case of Vitamin C, 100 grams of strawberries contain 59 mg.They’re a rich source of antioxidants and flavonoids, which keep you young and away from heart disease.Research showed that 16 studies with strawberries had sharper memory and increased cognitive function.It could reduce cognitive decline up to 2
and a half years. Try to buy organic strawberries.We tend to eat strawberries with their skin,and you definitely do not want to consume the pesticides.

Oranges are popular for being filled with
Vitamin C. You might say they’re famous
for that. But contrary to this belief, 100 grams of orange contains only 45 mg of Vitamin C. It’s available in all parts of the world.Who doesn’t love some freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast?
Its typical aroma and tangy flavor make your food even tastier.It helps relieve constipation due to the high fiber content.Vitamin C reduces oxidative stress in the cells.Oranges are rich in vitamin A and flavonoids, which are great for your eyes.Oranges elevate your mood and help you fight depression.
When you eat oranges, the stress hormone cortisol is reduced.
Eating oranges can really help your teeth.They contain potassium, important for maintaining blood pressure.Acne scars can be reduced by oranges.
They prevent the spread of cancer too.
Acidity issues can be treated by oranges.You'll also get shinier hair when you eat them.Regular consumption of oranges can also reduce allergic asthma.
Around 100 grams of juicy, bright red tomatoes contain 23 mg of Vitamin C. Tomatoes are rich in potassium which help to control the blood pressure level.
Great for weight loss, and maintaining good eye health, tomatoes help combat cancer.They also have a decent source of calcium to strengthen your bones.
Tomatoes improve your heart health, and prevent you from aging.They don’t let your blood sugar level spike
up.They also promote your liver health.
On top of that, tomatoes help burn fats at a faster rate. Just so you know, soups are not the only way to consume tomatoes. They can be enjoyed as salsas, toppings for bruschetta, curry base, and pasta sauce.

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