High blood pressure is a very common condition,affecting over a billion people worldwide.
Also known as hypertension, it’s symptoms
include severe headaches, fatigue, irregular
heartbeat and bloody urine.
You can reverse these symptoms by changing your diet around.

we’ll be discussing the 16 best foods for high blood pressure
2.Citrus fruits
5.Salmon and other fatty fish  
6.Swiss chard
7.Pumpkin seeds
10.Beans and lentils
13.Greek yogurt
14.Chia and flax seeds
15.Herbs and spices

 These nuts with little, green kernels are
associated with healthy blood pressure levels.

Pistachios contain many nutrients, including
potassium which is vital for blood pressure
regulation and heart health.

Studies suggest that pistachios are the most
effective nuts when it comes to reducing blood pressure.
They make an excellent option for snacks,
but remember to eat unsalted ones!

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are popular during the pandemic
due to their vitamin C content. 
Fruits like orange, lemon and grapefruit have
strong blood pressure-lowering effects.

Citrus fruits are rich in minerals, vitamins
and plant compounds that can help reduce blood pressure and keep your heart healthy.

A study showed that when walking was combined with a daily intake of lemon juice, it showed reduction in blood pressure.

All thanks to the citric acid and flavonoid
content of lemons. 

Eat citrus fruits whole, or drink freshly
prepared juice!


Carrots are a powerful veggie, whether they’re in a stir-fry or soup, they blend easily.

Being crunchy and sweet, carrots are full
of phenolic compounds.

These relax your blood vessels and lower inflammation,which can help reduce blood pressure levels.

Raw carrots seem to provide more benefits
than cooked ones.

Studies suggest that eating raw carrot remarkably lowers blood pressure levels.

You like drinking carrot juice, right?


Well maybe this will change your mind...

In a study, it was found that subjects who
drank 16 ounces of carrot juice daily for 3 months saw a reduction in blood pressure.


Eating berries can help reduce your blood
pressure naturally.

Berries are wholesome and packed with antioxidants, including anthocyanins, which give them their beautiful color.

Anthocyanins cause an increase in the nitric
oxide levels of your blood, and also lessen
the production of molecules that hurt your
blood vessels.

Different types of berries are available for
you to buy.

Berries linked with lower blood pressure are
blueberries, strawberries, cloudberries and

Salmon and other fatty fish

Fatty fish are a wonderful source of omega-3
These fats lower your blood pressure levels
by decreasing inflammation and reducing the levels of oxylipins.

Research suggests that people with higher
levels of omega-3 fats had reduced blood pressure compared to those with lower levels of omega-3’s.

This means eating things like salmon, mackerel,sardines, tuna, or whichever fatty fish you like.

Swiss chard

Just like other green leafy veggies, swiss
chard also provides a bundle of nutrients.

Most importantly, it provides minerals like
potassium and magnesium, which regulate your blood pressure.

Dietary potassium is linked to reducing blood pressure.

The magnesium in swiss chard also reduces
blood pressure by blocking the movement of
calcium into the heart cells and allowing
blood vessels to relax.

Pumpkin seeds

You may have heard a lot about pumpkin seeds!

In addition to potassium and magnesium, which are also present in swiss chard, pumpkin seeds contain an amino acid called arginine.

It’s needed for nitric oxide production,
which relaxes your blood vessels and lowers
blood pressure.

Studies also suggest the use of pumpkin seed oil for high blood pressure control in postmenopausal women.


Eating a whole grain-rich diet can reduce
blood pressure and amaranth is one such grain.

It's high in magnesium and decreases your
risk of high blood pressure.


Celery is a low calorie vegetable full of
nutrients, which will lower blood pressure
by relaxing your blood vessels.

A study suggested that among all of the cooked veggies, eating cooked celery has a stronger link to reduced blood pressure than others.

Beans and lentils

Beans and lentils make a delicious addition
to your meals.
These contain fiber, magnesium and potassium, which help regulate your blood pressure.

A published study suggested that beans and
lentils can significantly reduce and maintain
your blood pressure.

You can add these items to your stir fry,
or maybe even roast them.


Whether you like broccoli or not, it’s an
exceptionally healthy vegetable!

Broccoli reduces blood pressure.This is all thanks to the antioxidants!

They decrease blood pressure by bringing down nitric oxide levels in your body.

Studies suggest that people who consume four or more servings of broccoli per week have lower risk of high blood pressure than those who eat it once a month or less.


Juicy, red tomatoes are not only tasty, but
healthy too!

One of their health benefits includes reducing blood pressure.

Tomato and its products contain potassium
and a pigment called lycopene.

This pigment is known to support heart health by lowering your blood pressure.

Greek yogurt

I’m sure many of you like yogurt in your
smoothies, or consume it with berries.

Whatever way you eat it, it has so many things
to brag about.

Yogurt contains potassium and calcium, which
help to regulate blood pressure.

Studies have found that a 7-ounce increase
in dairy per day is linked with a 5% reduction

of hypertension.

Chia and flax seeds

Do you feel like you’re seeing chia and
flax seed recipes everywhere?

Both these tiny seeds are trending because
of the major health benefits they carry.

These seeds contain potassium, magnesium and
fiber, which are key for maintaining your

blood pressure levels.

Consumption of whole flax seeds can lower
blood pressure when eaten for 12 weeks or


Herbs and spices

Herbs and spices not only add flavor to your
dish, but also offer several health benefits.

Spices and herbs provide compounds that lower
blood pressure by relaxing your blood vessels.

Some popular blood pressure-lowering herbs
and spices include cilantro, saffron, cinnamon,

cardamom, lemongrass, celery seed, sweet basil
and ginger.

Give them a try.


Beets and beet greens are highly nutritious
and can promote healthy blood pressure levels.

They’re rich in nitrate content, which can
help your blood vessels relax, leading to

a decrease in blood pressure.

Some of you may prefer drinking beet juice
instead of eating them raw or cooked.

Beet juice is also very effective.

In one study where people consumed both 250
ml of beet juice and 250 grams of cooked beet,

they experienced a reduction in blood pressure

Just so you know, some studies suggest this
effect may only be temporary.

Either way, beets will still do a lot of good
for your health.