Are you Looking for lose weight, 
but confused by the information online?  

Weight loss is riddled with myths. Most of 
the tips and tricks you hear lack proper  

evidence. They might not even work. 
So, what should you do in that case?
 we’re going to share 
16 evidence-backed weight loss tips.  

Why should you drink water before meals? Are 
eggs and coffee weight loss friendly? Is there  

any truth to intermittent fasting? We’ll 
be talking about all of these AND more...

1. Drink Water
Especially Before Meals
Drinking good amounts of water is necessary  to ensure you remain hydrated. It’s also important for your overall health as well. The added advantage of drinking water 
is that it can help you lose weight.  It doesn’t, however, mean you just gulp down gallons of water. Instead, you should drink water before your meals.
A study showed drinking half a gallon  
of water about 30 minutes before eating will 
help you eat fewer calories. Results of the  
study also showed participants lost around 44% more weight than those who didn’t drink water. 

Do you monitor your daily water intake? 
Do you drink 8 glasses of water throughout  
the day?
 Share your preferences with the 
Bestie community in the comments below. 

2. Eat Eggs for Breakfast
While breakfast is often thought of  
as the most important meal of the day, it’s also important to keep track of what you’re eating. 

Research suggests eating eggs instead of a 
grain-based breakfast can help you reduce  
your calorie intake for the next 36 hours. 

It also helps reduce your weight and body fat. 
Of course, not everyone wants to eat eggs. As long  as you can eat a breakfast that’s high in protein,  
you’re good.

3. Drink Coffee 

Do you love coffee? Here’s 
another reason to have more! 

Coffee comes packed with antioxidants 
that have various health benefits.  

More importantly, research has shown caffeine in coffee can improve your metabolism by 11%.  

It can also increase the rate at 
which you burn fat by 30%. Of course,  

it’s best to keep your coffee black, 
and not add sugar or other additives. 

4. Drink Green Tea
Green tea already has a reputation  
for being beneficial in terms of health. However, it’s not the caffeine in green tea that helps you  for lose weight, as it only comes in small amounts.

Green tea has antioxidants called catechins  
that work in combination with caffeine to 
improve the rate at which you burn your fat.  

Studies have shown that drinking green tea 
on a regular basis can help you lose weight. 

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5. Try Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating where  

you go a few hours without consuming anything and eat only a few hours a day.

 There are many different types of intermittent fasting, although they rarely suggest what you should be eating. 

Research suggests intermittent fasting is 
one of the more effective ways of weight  

 The added advantage is that you don’t lose 
muscle mass, which is seen in low-calorie diets. 

6. Take a Glucomannan (glue-common-in)

Supplement glucomannan is a fiber linked with weight loss.  

It absorbs water and sits in your 
gut for a longer period.
This way, you feel full for an extended period of time, and reduce the number of calories you consume. 

A study showed participants that took glucomannan 
lost more weight than those who didn’t. 

7. Cut Back on Added Sugar 

It almost goes without saying, but added 
sugar is a complete no-no if you’re looking  
to reduce your weight. It’s likely your 
regular diet contains a lot of added sugar. 

Research shows sugar increases your chances of suffering from obesity. To lose weight,  

you’ll need to cut back on your daily sugar. For this, you should also start looking at food labels and avoid those with added sugar.
8. Eat Less Refined Carbs 

If you’re in the habit of including refined 
carbs in your diet, all you’re doing is  
eating food that’s been stripped of fiber.

Research has shown that eating refined carbs actually increases the sugar levels 
in your blood at a rapid rate.

 This increases your hunger cravings, which means you end up consuming many more calories. 

So it's important you reduce the amount 
of refined carbs you eat on a daily basis.  

Whatever carbs you do eat, it's best 
you stick to food with natural fiber. 

9. Go on a Low-Carb Diet 

If you’re trying to follow a diet to lose weight, it’s best you follow a low-carb diet. Rather than stick to low-fat, if you follow a plan that reduces the amount of carbs you consume,  

you’ll see greater benefits. In fact, 
studies have shown that following a  
low-carb diet can reduce your weight by 
three times the amount of a low-fat diet. 

10. Use Smaller Plates

If you’ve been trying again and again to lose weight, you’ve probably heard about eating with a smaller plate. 

While that may sound weird, research has shown that using smaller plates can help you slim down.  

Results showed people eating on smaller 
plates consumed fewer calories overall.  

11. Control Your Portions 

One standard technique people try is counting the calories they consume with every meal.  

They also try to reduce their portions of food.
Studies have shown that a food diary is  
a legitimate method to bring down some of 
your extra pounds.

Some even take pictures of the meals they’ve eaten to keep track.
As long as you’re aware of what you’re eating  and how many calories you’re consuming every day, 
you’ll likely bring down your consumption levels. 

12. Keep Healthy Food Around

in Case You Get Hungry 

If you’re one of those people who 
snacks regularly, the best way to beat your cravings is to have healthy food handy.
Instead of cookies and chips, you can have fruits,  nuts, yogurt or even hard-boiled eggs. This way, you will avoid eating too much junk. 

13. Take Probiotic Supplements
Research suggests taking probiotic  
supplements can decrease the fat mass in your body.

 But you need to be careful as not all  
bacteria from this family is helpful. There 
are some forms that can make you gain weight. 

14. Eat Spicy Foods
Eating spicy foods can help you lose weight.  This is because chili peppers have a compound 
called capsaicin that can help increase your  
metabolism and bring down your appetite. So if you 
were thinking of adding some spice to your recipe,  

now’s the time.
15. Do Aerobics 

If you’re looking to burn more calories than 
you consume, doing aerobic exercises is one of the more effective methods. Not only does the exercise help you maintain a calorie deficit, it  also improves your physical and mental well-being.
Studies have shown these aerobic exercises are  particularly effective in helping you lose 
belly fat. This is usually the most difficult  
fat to get rid of.

16. Eat More Fiber 

Eating more fiber can definitely help you lose weight. 
It slows down the movement of food in your  digestive system, and prevents blood sugar spikes. 

As a result, you don’t have to battle intense  
hunger cravings. Combine fiber with protein, and you have a wonderful weight loss trick on hand.  

Studies show that eating fiber helps you 
lose weight by keeping you full for longer. 
Losing weight isn’t easy. It takes 
quite a lot of hardwork and discipline.  

But nothing is impossible if you’re truly set to achieve a goal. You might be confused about other  weight-loss tips. Here’s what you need to know...
Check out Which Is Better For Your Weight Loss,  Cardio Or Weights? You can also try 13 Healthy Food Combinations For Fast Effective Weight Loss! 

Go ahead, click one. Or better yet, watch 
both, and learn more about how to get in  
the best shape of your life. Are you trying to 
lose weight? Let us know in the comments below!